Wow, free computers! I love it when your in the right place at the right time. Well, slightly too late. The IT department at the college disposed of 50 computers/monitors and all the peripherals a few days before we heard about it, but we succeeded in obtaining a couple of monitors and towers for our own personal usage. I am personally excited about the free 80Gb hard drive which came with one of them, this means I can finally give my laptop the long overdue backup it has been ever so politely been begging me for ^_^
So, when I manage to work until 5 o'clock tonight and eventually get home, i reckon I'll be creating a brand new setup on my bedroom desk (fingers crossed I can find enough power cables) and when that is done I'll get down to updating my project blog up to the point I have reached so far (providing my memory holds up) So yeah, roll on 1700 hours!